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Pride March 2023 - Rotterdam

By Out in Rotterdam May 10, 2023 2922
Pride March by Jordy Brada Pride March by Jordy Brada

Pride March 2023 Rotterdam

Friday June 2 19.00 – 21.00 hrs

Make a statement for equal rights and more acceptance of the LGBTIQA+ community in the Netherlands and worldwide on the evening of Friday, June 2! During a peaceful march, we send a signal to the people of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, politics, and the world: everyone should be able to be themselves!

Recent incidents in Rotterdam and worldwide show once again that inclusion and acceptance can and must be improved! So bring all your friends, family, and allies and "arm" yourself with banners, flags, and a lot of love. Then we will show our pride together for each other and for the community worldwide. And make yourself heard! Bring music, make noise: everyone should hear that we are here.

Practical information:

7:00 pm Start of the demonstration at Stationsplein, in front of Rotterdam Central Station
7:15 pm Start of the March through Rotterdam (3,5 km, wheelchair-friendly route)
9:00 pm Arrival at Schouwburgplein, end of the Pride March

The route: where history meets the future

Rotterdammers like to look to the future but sometimes forget to look back. Who are our heroes, where is our pain, and where is our strength? During the 2023 Pride March, we will walk along a route full of symbols and heroes. Symbols that have value for our LGBTQIA+ community. And heroes who have fought for our emancipation. Not only in Rotterdam, but also internationally!

Make the Pride March possible!

Without volunteers, the Pride March cannot exist. So do you want to contribute to a successful event? Then sign up as a volunteer! You can receive training in advance and will be deployed on the evening itself to ensure the march runs smoothly.

Sign up!

The Pride March is a demonstration of Pride010, organized by COC Rotterdam and Out in Rotterdam in collaboration with FERRY, Bonaparte, Strano, Regenboog, Naar Ons, Keerweer en Bar Loge90 (the LGBTQIA+ clubs and bars in Rotterdam).

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Last modified on Wednesday, 24 May 2023 13:59

