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Unwanted Words

Unwanted Words Unwanted Words

Unwanted Words is the platform for up & coming queer poets and spoken word artists in Rotterdam and around. They host a monthly series of Queer Poetry Nights in Rotterdam.

Unwanted Words goal is to offer safe spaces for LGBTQ+ people to share their art, their stories and for a queer audience to connect and celebrate each other.

Created in September 2018, we have gone to host 11 events with a full house, collaborated with over 40 local and international poets and artists with zero budget, just a team of enthusiastic volunteers and several partners that have supported the project pro-bono.


Read more about Unwated Words in our article with founder Luis Bracamontes.

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Additional Info

  • Address: n.a.
  • Opening hours: n.a.
  • Contact: -
  • Emailaddress: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Last modified on Thursday, 27 August 2020 18:11