September 08, 2024

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Roffa Mon Amour Film Festival 2023

Opening Night Theme : Release the be(a)st

On Wednesday, August 16 we’re going to kick off the 11th edition of Roffa Mon Amour. We are going to screen a film in Roffa Mon Amour style (the film is still a secret) and get you a free drink, so you just have to think about your be(a)st(y) outfit for the night!

Personality is such a layered concept. There are many facets that co-exist and even clash within us. Some of them pop up in our daily life, while others remain more hidden and secretive. But we believe that each of us has a wild, daring, and powerful side that too often doesn’t show up. Therefore, imagine you can be whoever you want for one night and wear the most audacious version of yourself. Put on that dress that always looks “too much”, a sparkling makeup that you would not wear at the office, and get in touch with the unleashed side of yourself.

Additional Info

  • Locatie: Brutus
  • Kosten: EUR 15,00
  • Datum: Wednesday, 16 August 2023
  • Tijd: 20:00-23:00u
  • Bereikbaarheid: Keileweg 10-18
  • Leuk om te weten:

    One free drink!

    Drinks, popcorn and sweets for sale at the location.

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