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We would like to invite you to have look at the life of LGBTI+ families. "My Child", directed by Can Candan in 2013, is a timeless documentary in which a group of LGBTI+ families in Istanbul share their own experience. “My Child” is the story of families who see the 'difference' in their children who are queer and confront themselves with that reality. These families are not guided by the others, but choose their child. These families participate in their child's identity struggle; “My Child” is the story of these families.

The movie lasts 82 minutes and has English subtitles.

After watching the documentary together, our dear Antony Hüseyin, a non-binary, queer singer and performance artist, will join us with his music and stage performance.
We look forward to meet you on October 9!


Stichting Sirkaf


Additional Info

  • Locatie: Matrix Rotterdam, Mauritsstraat 16, Rotterdam
  • Kosten: 10 euro
  • Datum: Saturday, 09 October 2021
  • Tijd: 20:30 - 23:30 uur (doors open 19.30 uur)
  • Leuk om te weten:

    Buy your ticket(s) here

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Last modified on Friday, 08 October 2021 17:12
Chantal van der Putten

Chantal van der Putten (1984) woont en werkt in Rotterdam Centrum. Ze is onderwijsmanager van de technische opleidingen bij de Rotterdam Academy. Dit is een onderdeel van Hogeschool Rotterdam. Chantal is afgestudeerd als onderwijskundige en neerlandica. Daarnaast is ze voorzitter van Student Pride NL. Deze stichting zet zich in voor een veilig klimaat op hogescholen, universiteiten en stageplaatsen ten aanzien van seksuele en genderdiversiteit, zodat alle studenten zich vrij kunnen voelen en zichzelf en de ander accepteren. Volg Chantal via Insta