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Erasmus Pride

By February 13, 2020 5011

Erasmus Pride is the LGBTQ+-student association in Rotterdam. They represent the LGBTQ+-students at the Erasmus University Rotterdam on and off campus.

Next to this, Erasmus Pride organises a wide range of activities throughout the year. You are welcome at their famous biweekly social drinks, movie nights, pub crawls and informative guest lectures about for example LBGTQ+-rights over the years or gender diversity.

The association is proactively working towards inclusion of the diversity of LGBTQ+-students at the university and they have built a community for those students, where they can feel safe and most importantly have fun.

Erasmus Pride is an association for everyone and they are always open for collaborations that stimulate diversity and inclusion. You can check their website for more information about everything they do!

Additional Info

  • Address: Monthly drinks at Ferry
  • Opening hours: none
  • Contact: -
  • Emailaddress: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Last modified on Tuesday, 04 August 2020 14:34
Bjorn Ketzener

Bjorn (1984) is werkzaam bij The Do Good Only Company als Jobcoach en IT Techneut. Zijn sterke affiniteit met menselijk gedrag en technologie maken dat hij gemakkelijk oplossingen weet aan te dragen die zowel voor klanten als organisaties winst opleveren. Hiermee helpt hij zijn studenten met de transitie in de techwereld. Met een lifelong learningattitude gelooft hij in het blijven ontwikkelen en groeien. Binnen GayRotterdam is hij naast voorzitter verantwoordelijk voor de technische ontwikkeling van de website. 

Zijn motto: Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid. ~Albert Einstein


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